GREGoR Consortium Core Membership Policy
This Policy defines eligibility, benefits, and responsibilities of membership in the GREGoR Consortium.
GREGoR Consortium Partner Membership Policy
The Partner Membership Policy defines GREGoR Partner Membership, including activities, expectations, and responsibilities of Partner Members. Please note researchers from the scientific community can apply for controlled access to GREGoR data without becoming partner members - see the “Accessing GREGoR Data” section of the “GREGoR Data for the Scientific Community” webpage for more information.
GREGoR Consortium Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct establishes general expectations for GREGoR Consortium members.
Investigator Collaboration Agreement
To achieve consistency and transparency across Centers, the Investigator Collaboration Agreement is to be used by Research Centers as they establish new or renew existing relationships with collaborators. The agreement describes benefits, expectations, and terms of collaboration for the GREGoR Consortium. Research Centers can download this Agreement and adapt it to their needs within the scope of the document. [Downloadable Investigator Collaboration Agreement]
GREGoR Consortium Consent Topics
The GREGoR Policy Working group has compiled guidance for Research Centers and their collaborators as they create or update their informed consent processes. The guidance includes desired consent elements, Consortium needs, related NIH requirements, and example consent language.
The GREGoR Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) describes the expectations and requirements for what data is to be shared and establishes appropriate use of the data with the ultimate goal of promoting collaboration and data sharing throughout the GREGoR Consortium. The DSA is signed by Contact PIs and institutional representatives from each of the GREGoR Research Centers and the Data Coordinating Center and is a key policy document to support intra-Consortium data sharing and subsequent data release to the scientific community.
GREGoR Consortium Access Policy for AnVIL Data
The Access Policy for AnVIL Data addresses who can obtain Consortium level access to the data in the GREGoR Consortium AnVIL workspaces, including Core and Partner Members.
The GREGoR Publications Policy seeks to (1) create transparency and foster collaboration within the Consortium, (2) encourage and facilitate timely circulation of GREGoR Consortium work products, (3) ensure appropriate use of Consortium data, (4) support adherence to authorship principles, (5) comply with the NIH Public Access Policy, and (6) maintain a complete, up-to-date list of GREGoR publications. The Policy applies to any scientific work carried out by GREGoR members (core and partner) where GREGoR funding is used for participant recruitment, data generation, and/or data analysis. Appendix 1 summarizes policy and process by GREGoR publication type.
GREGoR External Data Sharing Policy
The External Data Sharing Policy is designed to describe the required and recommended external data sharing strategies to be followed by GREGoR Research Centers (RCs) within the Consortium, and by extension Research Center Collaborators who make use of GREGoR resources to generate data or results - including to establish minimum data sharing requirements.
GREGoR Material Transfers Policy
The Material Transfers Policy establishes expectations for the transfer of biological specimens between GREGoR Consortium groups (Research Centers and Partner Members), to carry out scientific activities within the scope of the GREGoR Consortium. Transfers between institutions that are part of GREGoR but for which the sample transfer is not directly related to GREGoR Consortium activity are out of scope. The Policy also links to template agreements and relevant Consortium contacts.