Date Approved: May 18, 2022
Date of Last Update: February 7, 2023
Version: 1.1
Data sharing is a required element to any successful consortium. All participating GREGoR Consortium Research Centers and Partner Members will be contributing their data to central AnVIL workspaces. This policy addresses who can obtain Consortium level access to the data in the GREGoR Consortium workspaces.
This policy only pertains to the access to GREGoR Consortium data in AnVIL, and addresses both Core and Partner members.
All Core and Partner members are eligible for AnVIL data access, but members will only receive access if it is necessary to their work. Research Center (RC) and Partner Member (PM) PI(s) will determine which members need access in order to perform their duties and convey that information to the Data Coordinating Center (DCC). Similarly the RC and PM PIs will also notify the DCC when access should be revoked for any user. AnVIL technical staff will have access to Consortium workspaces as part of their routine maintenance and development of the platform.
Related Policies
- Consortium Guidelines for AnVIL Data Access (AnVIL’s policy)
- GREGoR Consortium Core Membership Policy
- GREGoR Consortium Partner Membership Policy
- Consortium Level Access - an access mechanism in which access to data in AnVIL workspaces is controlled via the DCC-maintained access lists.
Change Log
- V1.1 - Clarified the access permissions for AnVIL technical staff
- V1.0 - Initial Policy