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Partner Membership Application

GREGoR Partner Membership offers the opportunity to investigators not funded by the primary NHGRI awards to the GREGoR Consortium to participate in and contribute to the scientific activities and mission of the Consortium. Before applying, please see the GREGoR Partner Membership Policy for more detail about Partner Member expectations, eligibility, and membership procedures

Interested investigators should complete and submit the form below. Submissions are reviewed by program leadership and the Consortium Steering Committee. Only one application per research group/lab is needed.

Please note researchers from the scientific community can apply for controlled access to GREGoR data without becoming partner members. See the "Accessing GREGoR Data" section of the "GREGoR Data for the Scientific Community" webpage for more information.

* - required


Are you applying from a private sector and/or for-profit entity?
(If Yes, application may require additional review by NIH program office.)
How do you plan to contribute to the research goals of the GREGoR Consortium as a Partner Member? Select all that apply:
For example: 
  • A brief description of why you would like to be considered for GREGoR Partner Membership
  • Specification of expertise or capabilities relevant to GREGoR 
  • Specification of existing or forthcoming GREGoR projects, including a description of expertise or planned contributions 

Please include names, contact email, and role within the research group, one per line. E.g.
  Anya Smith,, Project Manager
  José Hernandez,, Postdoctoral Fellow

Do you currently have funding to support your research plans with GREGoR?
Please confirm
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